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Qualitätsmessung: Ipsos Post Survey

Liebe Mystery Shopper*innen,
Wir möchten ihnen ein interessantes Projekt vorstellen, an dem sie ab jetzt teilnehmen können. Die Voraussetzungen für Ihre Teilnahme sind u.a.:




  • Grundkenntnisse in Englisch
  • mindestens 18 Jahre alt
  • Zugang zum Internet
  • Keine nahen Verwandten, die bei der Post oder anderen Lieferdiensten arbeiten

Worum geht es?

Es geht um das Testen von Versenden und Zustellung internationaler Pakete und Briefe. Bei diesem Projekt erhalten Sie für jedes geschickte/ erhaltene Stück Bonuspunkte, welche Sie nachträglich für interessante und attraktive Produkte oder Gutscheine tauschen können.

Hier klicken und am Ipsos Postal Survey teilnehmen


Hier finden Sie alle notwendigen Informationen:

What is the UNEX survey about?

UNEX is a survey to measure international letter service performance between the national postal operators in Europe. The International Post Corporation (IPC) commissioned Ipsos to conduct this survey on their behalf. We have participants in every country who send and/or receive international test letters and small packages to/from other participants in several countries.

What conditions do I have to meet?

  • live in single houses, duplexes, apartment buildings etc., but NOT in houseboats, mobile homes, student hostels, retirement homes or a holiday residence
  • 18 years or older
  • have regular access to the internet (i.e. at least two times per week)
  • don’t have close family members working for a postal operator or any company involved in delivering mail, packets or parcels (like e.g. courier companies)
  • did not participate in a survey that involves sending or receiving test mail within the last 6 months


What is your task in this study?

Participants in this survey send and/or receive test letters and small packages from/to other participants. The amount will be approximately 4-5 letters and/or small packages per week. All letters and packages have sufficient stamps on them, so no cost for you.  You confirm your send or recieve of letters and packages on a special webpage.

What do I get?

All participants will receive bonus points for every sent or received item. You can collect them and exchange it into attractive bonus gifts or vouchers of our assortment.  In addition, monthly extra points are awarded, if you follow all the well communicated rules.

Please visit our Ipsos shop website at www.ipsos-giftshop.com and have a look at our bonus gift assortment (those are only examples).

Where can I find more information and how can I register?

Visit us at www.ipsos-post-survey.com Here you can register and take a look at our gift shop.

Any questions left?

Send us an email to askUNEX@ipsos.com You are always welcome!


Wir freuen uns sehr, mit Ihnen zusammen alle Bereiche bezüglich Kundenzufriedenheit testen und verbessern zu können.